Mod Name "default"
Provided By
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CasimirA classic game for exploring, survival and building. Maintained by rudzik8
Hi_WorldYou're on a strange planet, with 8 exciting biomes and a perpetual night, but beware, there are monsters ready to hunt you!
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
JALdMICA little experiment.Warning very early version,more a concept than a complete game.
Warning: Non-free code.
Holiday Horrors
sunnysideupSurvive the holidays!
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
namPorko, the Dice Game
Capture the Flag
rubenwardyTwo or more teams battle to snatch and return the enemy flags, before the enemy takes their own!
Lord of the Test
AmazLOTR-inspired subgame. Explore the world of Middle-Earth, the one subgame to rule them all!
1248You are on a floor plan of a castle. Collect resources and rebuild the old castle
Escape The Beast
Thunder1035A survival hunt game
AiTechEyeA game that aims to contain lots of environments and things.
1248Fight monsters, collect XP, craft battleaxes, armor, guns and lots more.
Proxima Survival
debiankaiosSurvival on Proxima Centauri B. Not working on it now.
carlos_ruppAction game in ancient Egypt.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
Regnum 2
1248This is the second part of Regnum
EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
QuantumBuilder - a QiskitBlocks fork
MIROFork of JavaFXpert/QiskitBlocks - Game that teaches quantum computing
BlockAssault MapMaker
LogikíThis game is focused to make maps for BlockAssault [BA.S]
CS:MT (BlockAssault)
LogikíA first person shooter game with multiple features
Minetest Game
LuantiThe classic "Minetest". A lightweight and well-maintained base for modding
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
JavaFXpertTeaching Quantum Computing using Qiskit in a block world
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
codeAtoriumLearn programming, solve puzzles, and make pixelart. An escape room game.
giga-turboA game where the player can construct by programming
Run Or Fall
niwla23Like TNT run. Run on a platform as blocks fall down behind you, last one to fall down wins!
Thunder1035A Pacman inspired game
No Man's Land
Big_CaballitoSurvive No Man's Land, where TNT rains from the sky, and destroys everything. This is a Work in Progress, I wanna add more features & lore
Epic Combat
hilolFight your enemies with various weapons and protect yourself with distinct sets of Armour, whilst sharpening your skills in PVP and PVE.
Raining Nodes
TheFanneSurvive in a strange world where nodes constantly rain down from the sky!
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
Minetest Extended
PetiAPocokThe extended version of the default Minetest Game.
Warning: Non-free media.
MadKamelA game that changes much of MTG's gameplay.
Required By
Oxidizing Copper
StarNinjasThis mod aims to make copper/bronze more realistic by making them slowly oxidize into a bluish/green block when exposed to water.
Paintings Gallery
JoeEndermanAdds a large selection of curated AI paintings using Paintings Library.
NeuromancerAdds pushable boulders which spawn in dirt & stone. They tumble when they wind up on top of each other and cause damage when they fall on you.
EmptyStarRandomly generated teleportation network that can teleport players between gates throughout the world
Snow Cones
GreenXenithSome simple flavored snow cones.
Throwable Snowball
ComputeGraphicsAdds a throwable Snowball
Boulder Dig
NeuromancerCreates gameplay for the game Boulder Dig (inspired by Boulder Dash). Find the boulders and gems scattered throughout the regularly generated world. 2nd option is more densely packed levels.
Flower cow
DrPlamsaAdds a flower cow.
Potions And Magic
mathysAdd potions and their hud
Better Locks
SkyBuilder1717Adds locks and locked doors
Modern House
HorkaAdd decoratives blocks for a modern house
GamingAssociation39Adds laptops/computers to your MT world.
Hero TNT
NeuromancerTNT that only destroys cobble like in H.E.R.O. game.
ClydeBeam items or nodes from your inventory to the inventory of your friend.
CalinouA special ore that kills you when mined.
Ghost Block
Blocky PlayerAdds blocks that you can walk through. Build traps, hidden rooms and more!
Guinea pig
DrPlamsaAdds guinea pigs.
Hybrid DogAdds swamps
EmptyStarAdds wings that allow players to fly and feather fall
Poly Decor
mt-modsMy spin on decorative stuff.
AwesomeDragon97Adds the badlands biome, which contains plentiful clay and gold.
dayer4bAdds automatic crafting recipes for making most kinds of dirt
AidanLCBAdds super overpowered and expensive endgame tools, armor, weapons, and blocks
Wilhelmines Marinara
Liiladds water structures and coral reefs to the oceans of your world
Wilhelmines Natural Biomes
LiilAdds 9 new biomes
Native Villages
LiilAdds villages of native people to the world.
LiilAdds more life to the caves of your world
Wilhelmines Living Jungle
LiilAdds a new type of dense jungle biome to your world
mt-modsThe successor to bloodmagic.
Anti Lava Area
1F616EMOgive admin power to anti lava in some region.
City Block II
sorcerykidDisables use of water and lava buckets within a designated area
AiTechEyeThe serverguide
Blocky PlayerAdds stylish mud blocks and even blocks you can walk through. Setup traps, secret rooms and much more!
Maple tree
DuvalonAdds a maple tree placed during world generation.
paramatAdds 4 styles of microcar: Car55, Nyancart, Mesecar and Oerkka.
Decorations Sea
mt-modsAdds many new types of seaweed, kelp, corals and other sea decorations, distributed across biomes
Test Edit
lemaitredeNetherHave you ever dreamed of using world edit on minetest?... well it’s possible!!
Ham Radio
techniXRadio transmitters, beacons, and receivers
GreenXenithAdds Halloween candy and costumes.
X5DragonfireAllows you to make paths in grass with ground roller
IcyDiamondA work-in-progress magic mod
Too many ores
TeufloVThis adds 53 new ores. But most of them are useless.
kestralEasily create arbitrarily curved tunnels, paths, and bridges.
Kick voting
lag01Allow players to vote to make life of selected griefers and especially agressive players harder.
SokomineAdd colored plaster coats to nodes
Cube Mobs
XanthusAdds various cube mobs with different abilities using mobkit.
Winuser Leafdecay
LiilWith this additiona leaf decay, all trees in naturalbiomes, livingdesert, livingjungle and livingfloatlands have a working leafdecay function.
Splooshy Bombs
eklBlock-flinging explosive weapons (grenade and RPG)
Tower Crane
joe7575A scaffold alternative for your building site
OgelGamesAdds portable powerbanks used to charge technic tools
New pickaxes
ArkatronAdds new pickaxes
Lua Controller Block
LC CreationsAdds a block that functions like a Lua Controller but has 'e' (down) and 'f' (up) pins and ports
TenPlus1Release many new Dragons, Monsters and Animals into your world.
Zemtzov7Miscellaneous pyro things
GigaBytethe player crouches
AwesomeDragon97Adds amethyst geodes and an API for making custom geodes.
Working villages
theFoxA mod adding villager NPCs that are doing predefined work.
Thomas-SAdds doors for all kinds of wood.
Unter Null
CasimirYou start swimming in the middle of an infinite ocean. Take your time and build.
GenesisMTA simple mask you can wear.
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
New Horizons
Hi_WorldAdds 4 new biomes and TONS of new blocks!
Balrog Sword
DragonWrangleradds a balrog sword
AnnalysaBoil milk and then let the curd age to get cheese!
Element Exchange
enchant97Exchange nodes into other nodes
TruemmererWrite in the Chat as the server
Mistere's Adventure Map Island Creator
MisterEA 1000x1000 canvas for your imagination
Just_VisitingAlgae mapgen addition to "Minetest Game"
TenPlus1Adds pig iron ingots which need to be crafted to make steel, also blocks and stairs.
Inventory Bags
cx384Adds bags
Bricks Plus
X17Adds different brick patterns
More Structures
ClothierEdwardAdds several new structures to make your world more alive.
56Water-removing sponges.
Admin Toys
wilkgr76Tools for admins to have fun with cheating and otherwise rule-breaking players
OgelGamesAdds nodes to control the flow of digiline messages
Doors Redo
TenPlus1Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
ByakurenA loot framework.
56independentThis mod adds a simple HTTP request device for digilines.
More Upgrade Packs
nolombicUpgrade your upgrade packs so you can have even higher stats!
Phonics Library
NeuromancerProvides a library for creating Phonics (Learn how to read) mods in different languages.
Climbing Pick
lag01Tool to climb, double jump, and do good damage to mobs.
English Phonics
NeuromancerEnglish Phonics (Learn how to sound out words and to read)
MR_breaddzgolden bread
End Him Rightly
eklUnscrewable and throwable pommel
sofarA stylish flowerpot that can contain most plants.
SoloSniperAdds obsidian tools and armour
TumeniNodesThis mod just adds some new building blocks to Minetest.
Fluid Container API
IcyDiamondLibrary for nodes containing fluids
Nextgen Compass
StarNinjasA compass item which points towards the world origin.
LissoBonePropel yourself through space with this new invention. Zero-G recommended. Check settings for tweaks.
iarbatAdds a functioning space-time machine from the tv show doctor who.
Simple Furniture
TarruviAdds a selection of furniture with simple designs
World Borders
argyleAdd impenetrable barriers to the sides and bottom of the world.
mt-modsAdds faintly glowing coloured glass panes which can be used for stained glass windows or for gentle lighting.
Scythes & Sickles
TestificateModsAdds scythes and sickles with unique applications for farming
Home Assistant Mod
Jeff SchildersAn experimental mod to turn real lights and switches on and off in your smarthome within a minetest world.
Prefab Redo
cheapieCheapie's version of Dan's old prefab mod, which adds pre-fabricated concrete elements: catwalks, benches, ladders, railings...
The Confluence
MisterEA luamap example - a small (500x100x500) Island in the middle of the ocean with 4 rivers that run from the center to the sea.
Fake Liquid
SkyBuilder1717Adds a fake liquids
Andrey01Adds various detailed furniture components, decorations and exterior stuff with various designs and styles of each epoch.
Vehicle Mash
Panquesito7Adds many types of vehicles: cars, boats, hovercrafts and more.
Warning: Non-free media.
soerenWith this new feature, you can press ordinary diamonds into industrial diamonds, effectively doubling your diamond count and maximizing your resources.
Clay Bricks
AwesomeDragon97Adds colorful clay bricks.
Lighting Rocket
lag01For temporary lighting large areas
Lucky Block Ore
ems111Adds Lucky Block ores to world.
Angled Walls
TumeniNodesAngled & Sloped Walls, Angled Glass, & Angled Doors
Technic Diamonds
mt-modsUse technic to grind and compress diamonds.
Cassette Mod
The PampsAdds jukebox compatible cassettes.
jbbAdds many useful farming plants
Un-Craft Table
TroodonAdds an uncraft table
The Lower Road
DeadlockAdds a long road from -Z to +Z to the world, during world-generation.
Cave Explorer
Hume2An utility for cave exploring in creative
ClydeAdds 3 kind of Coins to your game
BirgitLachnerA Mod to let Kids start programming with a turtle that can move around in the world, and dig and build what the user wants.
Magma Conduits
FaceDeerRemoves default mapgen lava and adds widely-spaced vertical lava "veins".
Gold Hunter
josegamestestget gold minigame
Realistic Delta Hang Glider
CBugDCoderAdd realistic moving delta hang gliders
NeuromancerAdds petroglyphs which generate randomly in desert stone walls
Mese Glass
Naufal7545This mod adds a yellow glass block and a star block and several other tools.
3D Armor
stuVisible player armor & wielded items.
Living Room Furnitures
1F616EMOSofas, armchairs and tables
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
Card deck
mijutuDeck of cards and table blocks
Rail Corridors + Treasures
WuzzyAdds simple underground mines with railways and occasional treasure chests.
Mese Portals
mt-modsA futuristic multiplayer transportation system
MT Expansion
GamingAssociation39An expansion for MTG
swagtoyImproves the inventory, and fixes some formspecs throughout some mods.
Portable Chests
Bob64Portable chests you can pick up even when there are items inside.
TX MinerLets you eat Horsetails from Paleotest. Very helpful in caves!!!
AmazA mapgen with a goal, with things needed to advance to the next level.
Painted 3D Armor
BeerholderAdds banners to your armor, either painted using the painting mod or created using the banners mod
Copper Rails
AwesomeDragon97Adds a new directional rail made from copper and mese crystals.
IcyDiamondTinkers Construct in Minetest!
ademantTreasure nodes with useful items
Ethereal Mosses
1F616EMOMore mosses for dirt types in Ethereal NG
TaurinechanThis mod spawn blobcats.
Badass Mech (or cool mech)
SoundwavezAn addon that adds a badass mech, or “BAM” (this is a cool mech if the name is in any way confusing).
Bunker Block
SpooksAdd blast proof concrete and its craft items.
alerikaisatteraA mineral found at high altitude and items made with it
mt-modsAdds various kinds of plants, fruit bushes, fallen trees, and a whole host of foliage and other ground cover.
MisterESumo Minigame (Arena_lib)
Golden Tools
LogikíAdds golden tools to your game
music modpack
mt-modsMusic modpack with API for easy in-game music playback and custom track registration.
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.
Just_VisitingAdds fun rocks to bring new life to your survival and creative creations!
Wet Mud
NicuHydrates farmland without using water directly
Generic moon of Saturn
Red_King_CyclopsReplaces the default earthlike setting with a generic moon of Saturn.
Sleeping Mat
kestralSimple sleeping mat made out of grass.
Angled Stairs
TumeniNodesAdds angled stairs to the Minetest Game.
Chat History
sorcerykidInteractive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
Ben's Gear
MissingTextureMan101Attach tool parts to create new tools and add a whole new layer of strategy to your tool crafting!
Builtin Item
TenPlus1Dropped items can now be pushed by water, burn quickly in lava and have their own custom functions.
DragonWranglerAllows server owners or server admin to start mob raids to attack settlements or players
Hybrid DogAdds glowing stone and lantern.
Staff Channel
_XenonWrite messages only to staff
Edible Swords
GamingAssociation39Edible Swords
Shadow Realm
archfan7411The realm of shadows contains many hidden horrors.
Fancy Vend
ChimneySwiftA full-featured, fully-integrated vendor mod for Minetest
LinuxdirkA craftable and “makeable“ cement blocks for Minetest Game
mt-modsAdds a configurable technic-based transporter, with bookmarks and many options
mt-modsA simple mod that adds various shipwrecks with treasures into the ocean
Resource Crops Evolved
JoleshAdds new recipes for Resource Crops to make a progression through them possible
ExtexAdds various coloured motorbikes
GamingAssociation39Additional blocks for decoration/building
Dirt Tunneler
NeuromancerMakes dirt deeper and you can tunnel through it just by walking through it. Press spacebar/shift to tunnel upward/downward with auto placed ladders.
Better Fences
ChimneySwiftA Minetest mod which improves the usability of fences by making fences which connect to less than 2 other fences connect to all nodes.
GigaBytemore uses for obsidian
Castle Tapestries
FaceDeerThis is a mod for creating medieval tapestries, as found in castles
Tomb Stones
Nathan.SAdds many shapes and styles of tombstones.
Throwable Bombs
DragonWrangleradds a cave expansion tool, a throwable tnt stick, a throwable smoke bomb, and a mob throws tnt
Underground Survival Lighting
ArkatronIf you like underground light in survival, use this mod, it can help that.
Mese Trains
XenonSome more trains for the advtrains mod.
AnnalysaAdd Sandwiches to your game! Choose between meat, vegetarian, jam and many more!
Sounds Redone
StarNinjasAdds sounds to specific blocks
Stripped Trees
1facoAdds Stripped tree trunks.
Nyan Cat Redo
Blocky Playernyan lazer, nyan soda and sugar. What's not to love?
Extra Biomes
CowboyLvAdds extra biomes, while keeping its looks close to the vanilla MTG
Magic Tech
Futuray-pgmIt adds technology based magic
loosewheelCars and road tracks (function similar to rail carts).
mzs.112000A simple mod adding a few biomes to Minetest Game
Alien Tools
chaosomniumAlien Tools Mod for Minetest - adds Alien Tool, Shield, biome, etc
Online Shopping
LC CreationsAllows players to buy and trade anywhere.
Protector Redux
sorcerykidAn efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
Nathan.SAdds several survival related items.
Scientifically Accurate TNT
AwesomeDragon97Fixes some of the shortcomings of the original TNT mod.
Legendary Armor
DynamaxPikachuAdds legendary tools and armor
itemshelf (Fork)
nacGeneric item shelf with 3D items on display
Invisible Blocks
TruemmererAdd invisible Blocks
Wilhelmines Sounds
LiilAdds ambient sounds to the landscapes of Living Floatlands, Living Desert, Living Jungle, Living Caves and Natural Biomes
Beds Redux
sorcerykidA complete rewrite of the Beds mod with many additional features
xXNicoXxWings is a mod whiche allows server owners to give players fly privs while holding the wings (Like binoculars) made by xXNicoxx
ExtexAdds a variety of Plaster blocks for building.
Shallow Ores
MonniaszaPlaces ores shallower in your world! No more time wasted digging!
Gadgets Modpack
mt-modsA modpack providing full progression of magic and technology-based items that apply status effects or do other useful functions
Macro Crafting Manager
sorcerykidMacro Crafting Manager provides a streamlined drag-and-drop interface for dividing and arranging item stacks within the craft-grid
Phiiadds highly randomized vivid dungeons to the world, and tools to spawn/customize them.
LWComputers Software
loosewheelSoftware for LWComputers.
Basic Ownership
sorcerykidAn efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
Free Stuff Generator
AiTechEyejunk has never been so coveted!
debiankaiosA player is holding TNT which is about to explode; they must tag other players to get rid of it
Pink Lava
TenPlus1Adds pink lava to certain depth of map with new mahogany obsidian block
citorvaAdd a lot of pillars for fun.
Signs Redux
sorcerykidSigns Redux is a complete rewrite of default signs that adds many new features
Kitty/Kitto Ores
nemokitty9Nemokitty9's own ore pack. Includes Tools!
Christmas Tree
ExeterDadAdds a decorated indoor Christmas tree with wrapped gifts.
GreenXenithProof of concept for hexagonal nodes
Hard Trees
octacianRequire tools to break trees and introduce beginner-tier rock tools.
bweapons modpack
mt-modsA weapons modpack aiming at providing a complete, technologic and magic progression of ranged weapons, along with an API to easily make your own ones.
More Pickaxes
Koda_Adds additional pickaxes to the game
chaosomniumkudzu (invasive spreading plant) mod, with useful crafts and items
Colored Blocks
sermowDifferent colors of: stone, stone bricks, wood obsidian, and glass
Scripted World Editor
NeuromancerAPI that allows you pass in scripting tables to fill a series of shapes of different sizes with different nodes
lil lizard pal
Soundwaveza minetest addon made by a very smart person, adds a node based lizard in a glass box to the game. (he can die if you dont feed him)
Ancient Bones
karlexceedAdds bones with loot to dungeons.
Tungsten Carbide
RemainderTheoremAdds tools made from tungsten carbide that are more durable.
Simple Skins
TenPlus1Allows players to set their individual skins from a list or custom.
loosewheelVarious components for mesecons and digilines.
Dynamic Trees
TarruviAdds trees that can grow dynamically
Colored Concrete
NiklpColored concrete in 16 different colors
sofarAdds stamina, sprinting, and hunger
Easy night
X-DEAdds crafting recipe for torches with leafs, a sleeping bag, you can sleep at 18:44 and modify when to sleep
Large Bricks
AwesomeDragon97Adds large stone bricks.
Inventory Plus
TenPlus1Simple Inventory replacement
Basic Anvil
MikeRedwoodAdds an easy tool repair craft
Luxury Decor
Andrey01This mod has a goal to add large amount of luxurious various furniture elements, decorations and exterior stuff.
VerdiSchubertSome kinds of glass nodes
addiAdds Cannons. Insert muni and gunpowder, and punch it with a torch. The muni can destroy nodes and hurts players.
Loose Rocks
eduardomezencioAdds loose rocks which generate randomly on the surface.
Chat Filter
xXNicoXxMinetest Chat Filter a simple but usefull minetest chatfilter mod made by xXNicoXx
C Doors
TumeniNodesAdds centered doors, and villa style windows to Minetest.
Experimental Villages Mapgen
NoreChanges the way ores are placed, add new biomes and villages.
Just_VisitingA Particle-based Waterfalls/Lavafalls Mod
Etherium Stuff
alerikaisatteraDecorative stuff using ethereal's etherium dust
karlexceedAdds a rare pale blue flower that glows faintly in the darkness.
Kart Car
APercyAdds a craftable kart
Nuke Mod
sfan5Additional types of TNT for all your explosive needs.
Boring RPG
LebedevNew items blocks and other pieces are waiting for you here
LunovoxProtection of land on payment of periodic rate.
Mesecons Stealthnodes
ClydeRegister your own Ghoststones.
Advtrains Train Rocket
AdvT. SupplementalA model Stephenson's rocket and some barrel wagons
Lava Ore Gen
Coder12Makes the lava turn stone into ore over time.
Dragonbone Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds dragonbone set
Castle Gates
FaceDeerThis is a mod all about creating castle gates and dungeons
paramatA river / mountain range mapgen
Color Blocks
mt-modsContains colored building blocks.
Pyramids (with treasures)
WuzzyPyramids with treasures!
ElCeejoAdds an eerie biome with multiple mobs.
Floatlandadds grass-like nodes that have flowers
Simple Dice
farfadet46Simple dice for little games ;)
PaligeAdds more Mesecons items.
LunovoxIt adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, ATMs in stores.
Floating Anchor
StarbeamrainbowlabsExtraUtilities' Angel Block for Minecraft in Minetest! Place structures in mid-air with ease.
Ultra colors
mobilex1122mod with super bright colors blocks
X17Adds chains to climb or decorate
ElCeejoAdds Prehistoric Fauna and Flora to Minetest Game
Natural slopes for Minetest Game
karamelAdd natural slopes for Minetest Game
FaceDeerA mod that creates vast underground caverns and allows biomes to be defined for them
LahusenJust my favourite bread recipes
TenPlus1BIOME integration for nssm, the not so simple buildings.
mt-modsAdds coloured glass, patterned stained glass, glass lights and one way windows.
Smart Renting
AiTechEyeSmart renting: Rent out your locked things and earn money!
WorldEdit Wall Block
SkyBuilder1717Adds block and item for making big structures easily as possible.
drkwvAdds durable building materials that won't break on a first dig.
Kotatsu Tables
Piezo_Adds a new piece of furniture based on Japanese kotatsu tables
Caverealms Lite
SharaA mod for Minetest to add underground realms.
Sailing Kit
TermosAdds a craftable sailboat
Cartographer for Minetest Game
Hugues RossAdds regional maps that you can craft and place (Minetest Game version)
HeroOfTheWindsA mod for Minetest to add underground realms.
HUD Analogic Clock
APercyAdds an analogic clock to hud
Mtg Craft Reverser
Hugues RossMakes crafting recipes in Minetest Game reversible
AiTechEyeUltimate build+mine & admin tool
Bucket lite
daretBucket - fork of Minetest Game mod with reduced "bucket" liquid flowing
sofarA mod that adds realistic erosion and degradation of rocks.
_XenonAdds bright stuff
Cooperative Factions
skiscratcherAdds factions, allowing players to team together
More Boats
SkyBuilder1717Adds more boat variants!
House Windows
DiamondPlaneAdds windows for your house
eklA rideable boat with legs
Axis Tools
mt-modsAll the functionality of tinkers construct, but all in your inventory.
HorkaAdded ancient architectural blocks from the Mediterranean
Aurora Tech
AurailusUnique and powerful gadgets and utilites.
Wooden Bucket
mt-modsadds wooden buckets
Mitalar_ZinmaerAdds playable drums with real samples
Colorful Beds
TarruviAdds the other 14 colors to the simple and fancy beds
KimaprBypass Protection Sorcery in survival
Procedural Furniture
the_raven_262Creates furniture collections
Modern Ish
thomasthespacefoxA collection of modern-ish odds and ends.
zaners123A ComputerCraft-inspired mod! Program them with LUA and watch them work!
mt-mods8bits style monitor and keyboards using digilines
KostivarAdds candy which you can make from candy ores.
TenPlus1Moon Flower, when touched by the moon, it opens up a casting light.
Alternate Gravel
soerenthe mod adds 32x32 pixels 2x alternative gravel
WuzzyA decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
GigaByteadd money bag
AtlanteThis mod allows you to create paths with shovels
mt-modsAn alternative crafting system done entirely in the world.
Area-Locked Chests
1F616EMOLocked chest that check protections
Signs Extra
Hume2Two new signs: blue banner and billboard
Invisibility Potion
TenPlus1Craft a potion to make yourself invisible
Bed Lives
lag01Lose bed spawn point after spending 3 lives
Fruit Trees
korin_riderFruit trees of diferent types
Zero-Effort Custom Minerals
Piezo_A tool for registering entire materials, complete with ore generation, tool-sets and automatically generated sprites with almost no effort required
NextGen Bedrock
StarNinjasAdds an indestructible bedrock layer at the bottom of the world.
Mesecon Technology (MeseTec)
AiTechEyeAdds some extra and usefull mesecons stuff
Dense Ores
benedict424Adds rare ores with twice the drops of their normal counterpart.
Other Worlds
TenPlus1Adds asteroid layers and height-based skybox switches to create space environments.
Signs Bot
joe7575A robot controlled by signs
AwesomeDragon97A simple mod that adds decorative wooden tables.
Colored Chests
SkyBuilder1717Adds a colored chests!
Better Roads
DragonWranglerallows players to make roads with less jagged edges
Phiia spreading mushroom biome which you can spawn into the world, with its own monsters and a boss you need to slay to stop the biome's growth. Best played with bow & armor mod and after reading manual.
Void Chest
MeseCraftAccess your belongings anywhere by using the power of the void chest!
Medieval Weapons
riptiderazorA simple mod that adds katanas, axes and sabres . Artwork by deathblade.
Nether addons
DragonWrangleradds more nodes and decorations to the nether
Blood Bane Sword
Blocky PlayerOP sword for moderators. In memory of an old teacher, who had a mod similar to this on a private server.
Colored Meselamps
devurandomAdds colored versions of meselamps, craftable with dyes
Ryft77Adds saphire stuff
NeuromancerPineapple crop for tropical biomes
Teacher: Locked Chests
1F616EMOTutorial for MTG Locked Chests
TumeniNodesAdds decorative clay and stone-type nodes to Minetest Game.
Boots of Swiftness Mod
ClothierEdwardAdds a new pair of boots called the Boots of Swiftness.
SaKeLAdds spawners for mobs, dungeons, temples and ores.
Spawn Command
lag01Adds a /spawn command that teleports you to the server spawn command.
Gloop Blocks
mt-modsAdds decorative and functional blocks, including cement, rainbow blocks, "evil" blocks, and tools.
loosewheelVarious colorable decorative blocks.
Obsidian Swords
DragonopAdds the Obsidian Dagger, Sword, and Longsword. Also Obsidian tools, for completeness.
Nettles and Other Weeds
Hume2Nettles spawning on junky plots
More Coral
Nathan.SAdds coral in more colors.
Placeable Buckets for Catching Rainwater
NoodlemireAllows empty buckets to be placed as nodes in order to collect rainwater.
Your Dad's BBQ Mod
Grizzly AdamAdds advanced BBQ items.
AwesomeDragon97Adds bamboo which generates in jungles and can be used as a crafting ingredient.
Easter Eggs / Ostereier
InevaAdds various coloured eggs for Easter!
Smart Shop
AiTechEyeSmart and easy shop
FreeLikeGNUHelpful and unique witches inhabit the land adding a magical touch and interact with player! Work in progress, but playable!
Gates (wider)
SokomineWide gates for easy walking through and keeping cattle inside
AiTechEyeCraft tools which have a life of their own - they can fight, dig, or place for you
AntumDelugeA wardrobe that can be used to register & set new player skins.
More Boots
UbuntuJaredFork of ClothierEdward's "Boots Of Swiftness", adds new boots that let you jump higher and run faster
In the Fog
Jo5629_Herobrine has entered your world.
TarenAdds multiple engraved blocks and benches to make them.
Molten Sailor by Dokimi
CalebJBoat for sailing on lava, suit for diving in lava.
TechAge Apiary
LesyaCPPTechAge Machines for beekeeping
Condensed Cobblestone
1F616EMO81 cobbles in one item!
AwesomeDragon97Launch explosive cannonballs at your enemies.
TP Stairway
joe7575Simple stairways and bridges for your buildings and machines
Movement Essentials
DanielAdds umbrella for slow fall (hang gliders), consume mese crystal to recall (return to spawn), and throw fragments to teleport.
Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
Kill history hud
GigaByteadds a death history on the screen
CalebJAdds an assortment of new bricks to build with.
AmazAdds three different methods of flying, wings, jetpacks and flying carpets.
Tool Ranks
lisacvukCounts the number of nodes a specific tool has dug
File Cabinets
danil_2461Adds the file cabinets from Windows.
Time Travel
Red_King_CyclopsAdds in a craftable time machine that can be used to time travel to different time periods of Earth's history.
voxelmanip experiments and remade math mandelbox mapgen
chaosomniumVoxelmanip mapgen with strange layered zone experimental mapgens.
Slot Machine Mini-games
mt-modsProvides an "engine" to drive simple slot machines (includes two). Spins reels, takes in/pays out in Minegeld (Dan's currency mod), etc.
After Earth
AiTechEyeThe earth's ecosystem has collapsed, and there are no biologically environment left.
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
FaceDeerAdds components for building modular tunnel boring machines
mt-modsAdds lots of differently colored and textured blocks to Minetest.
josegamestestchallenges to create route challenges or to train flight
Hardcore Farming
NeuromancerMakes farming a hardcore challenge by adding very hungry pests. Can you overcome them or will they defeat you?
sorcerykidShowcase player achievements with a personalized gold cup
demon_boyAdds a wide variety of Australia-themed biomes and content
NextGen Tinted Glass
StarNinjasAdds tinted glass that doesn't allow light to pass through
Bank Accounts Receipt
Can202Receipt = TRASH
cheapieAdvanced traffic signal controller
TarruviAdds a few crops, mushrooms and food items
Cones: Traffic and Training Cones
ClassicAdamCones. Various use traffic cones and training cones. 3 sizes, 10 colors, 30 cones in total.
Lava + Water > Stone
1F616EMOCool Lava into technically special stones for easier cleanup
Ice Machine
cheapieA machine that makes ice cubes.
Mobs Skeletons
TenPlus1Adds three skeletons to the world.
CalebJParticle driven fireworks.
giga-turboUse lua code to build anything you want
SiresAdds some pretty OP tools :)
Termoslua mapgen featuring tropical islands and vast ocean
ATM Redo
CodeMinerAdds an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and MWT (Money Wire Transfer) designed to work with the currency mod and its minegeld banknotes.
TumeniNodesAdds arched doors
Advanced Lightsabers
ElCeejoRelatively Advanced Lightsabers for Minetest Game.
Sokomineconnected nodes like xpanes, xfences, walls
Basic Grenades
LandarVarganAdds some basic grenades using the grenades API
iarbatAdds counterfeit diamonds and other fake precious materials.
PilzAdamAdds a deep underground realm with different mapgen that you can reach with obsidian portals.
Semmett9Adds wooden and Iron scaffolding.
Offline Phantoms
KimaprPlayers leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
sofarThis mod expands the basic set of farming-related crops that minetest_game offers.
GoopsAdd rings with temporary player effects
Stack Slabs
TumeniNodesstackable slabs for Minetest
swagtoyAdds stamina and sprinting (no hunger!)
Hiking Redo
Hume2Complete set of hiking signs
Rotting Wood
PolyniumCauses wood to slowly rot while exposed to water
Advanced Keys
LejoReplaces the Skeleton Key with one with multiple chests.
Wilhelmines People
LiilAdds the possibility to build living Villages. Trade items for random stuff from your villagers, recruit mounts and warriors.
mime (flux's fork)
fluxionaryadds a monster mimicking its surrounding nodes.
micuVarious devices and machines for experienced miners and TechPack engineers.
Coal from Trees
skbzkCook trees to get coal
csirolliPlace bounties on players
CalebJStaffs with various uses
TumeniNodesStoneworks simply adds some fun, and cool building options to Minetest.
LNJA mod that adds a jukebox with nine different discs.
Item exchange shop
KrockProvides a simple exchange shop (currency compatible)
Stair Pick
BrandonReeseThis is a specialized pick for making stairs.
Glostone Building Blocks
WovadoAdds basic glostone-based building materials
Minebase Core
ThatCommandAdds APIs and new dynamic functionalities.
webdesigner97Adds modern roads to Minetest.
Map Tools
CalinouAdds various special versions of normal blocks, tools, and other map maintainer tools.
Rock Piles
NeuromancerAdds rock piles which generate randomly on the surface and in caves
RasPiManiacAdds Aquamarine ore, ingots, etc.
Hybrid DogThe underworld for Minetest.
Fancy Stained Glass
v-robAdds fancy and highly adaptable stained glass and spiked iron railing.
Coconut Trees
NeuromancerAdds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
Torch Bomb
FaceDeerPlace torches throughout your entire surroundings with a torch bomb
paramatLight-weight weather mod with snow, rain, and clouds.
Bas080Anables users to get a pathogen.
GenesisMTA strange a ore with tools.
Mob Crab (Beta)
Can202Adds Crabs.
pathv7 redo! (Mapgen V7 only)
1F616EMOCreates a worldwide network of paths, bridges and tunnels.
Timber Frame
jbbThis mod adds timber-framed clay, bricks, cobble, stone and stone bricks to the game.
Fishing Rod
TarruviAdds a fishing rod
Ore Deposits
TarruviAdds ore deposits that can randomly spawn on stone
Robot10&ScheletorThis mod adds several space stuff to the game.
Utilities for Underch - extension pack
Hume2Extend the Underground Challenge by miscelaneous utilities and change some recipes
welcome color
GigaByteadds a welcome message in green with ramdom messages and a message when a player leaves in red
GigaByteadds an editable news section when a player joins
LebedevAdds vape and vaping
Nixie Tubes
mt-modsProvides a set of classic numeric Nixie tubes, alphanumeric tubes similar to Burroughs B-7971, and Dekatron tubes, all controlled by Digilines.
TruemmererAdd Cement Blocks with unifieddyes support
Fireworks Redo recipes
TarasArtAdds crafting recipes for Fireworks Redo, making it usable in survival mode.
Node houses
MatyasPNode houses is a mod by MatyasP that adds one-node block of houses, for crafting using items from mode default.
ofgJapanese hiragana blocks
AntumDelugeAn explosive nuisance.
alerikaisatteraZinc metal, used for making brass
JALdMICSome assets for decorative purpose
UnchainedDevelopmentAdds intoxication effects and HUD bar to display intoxication level.
Minor Redefinitions
LinuxdirkChanges smaller things that are issues for either Luanti or Minetest Game that are technically fixable but won’t be fixed due to several non-technical reasons.
faction items
GigaByteadd some items to be used as prizes for special events or player achievements
Stairs Recycle
DumbDave961Turn stairs into ingots, slabs, or different stairs. Smelt cobble stairs into stone stairs. Highly recommended for Oneblock survival. Based on Simple Recycle by Jolesh.
Fake Fire
Semmett9Fake fire adds in a block that looks like fire, but dose not have the risk of burning down your creations.
Quartz Geodes
AwesomeDragon97Extends the Geodes mod with quartz geodes.
EvergreenAdds quartz ore and some decorative quartz blocks
Gems Battle
MisterEBedwars-like team battle minigame
Nathan.SAdds a juice press and two juice storage containers.
Protector Blocks for Area Protection Mod
1F616EMOProtector Block, but using the Area Protect APIs
Wilhelmines Marinara Mobs
Liiladds mobs to the marinara oceans
HerkulesAdds an elevator and elevatorrails.
1F616EMOA portable basket for carrying large amount of items (= Shulker Boxes)
Music Player
Jose_ManuelS18Adds a music player and discs
Flower Beds
ZenonSethFlower Beds for growing flowers
Wilhelmines More Torches
LiilAdds new types of torches and lamps
AwesomeDragon97Adds sieves that are used to separate (occasionally) valuable debris from sand.
SuperStarSonicAdds volcanoes, lava vents and new magma blocks
More Awards
ClothierEdwardA mod that expands on rubenwardy's Awards mod by adding tons of new awards.
Advtrains Platforms
W3RQ01Provides additional platforms for advtrains, large mod support. Originally written by Och_Noe, small contributions by Blockhead and W3RQ01 is taking it a step further by adding more stuff.
Tree Particles
SuperStarSonicAdds particles of falling leaves when you punch a tree
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
Corroded Metal
M BLOCMetal can rust when next to water. Restore it with acid from underground.
Strange Weapons
Robot10&ScheletorAdds many strange and improbable weapons
mt-modsAdds simple pillars and columns
Fire extinguisher
SkyBuilder1717Adds fire extinguisher, which can extinguish some fire
MR_breaddzblueberry juice
justsoupA mod that adds a few new food items.
ChimneySwiftAdds a series of multi-purpose tools to Minetest
Random Cool
pl608Adds random ores on lava cool
Soil Weeded
josegamestestLeaves the soil finer after clearing
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Great British Pound
angry_hd1Adds A Simple Currency System
PyuAn API for creating kits
Sun Flowers
Hybrid DogThis mod generates flowers which close their heads at night.
Living Grass
karlexceedAdds a simple lifecycle to grass
Tinted Glass
1F616EMOColored glass
TenPlus1Adds coloured wood, glass and stone blocks.
Noriel Sylvire's Minerals Core Modpack
Noriel_SylvireAn API for automatically registering recipes, nodes and ore generation.
Potted Farming
AnnalysaA new way to farm in pots herbs, mushrooms and regrow fruits on small trees.
doxy’s Minitram
doxygen_spammerScaled down Konstal 105N for advtrains
Stained Glass
alerikaisatteraStained glass blocks and panes
New Biomes
ArkatronIf you like underground biomes, this thing is for you.
The Grue mod
MajozoeIt is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.
Cactus Damage
VMan_2002Players take damage from touching cactus
opfromthestartFrames from Technic since it was removed.
DuvalonAdditional armours to build and wear
yonaTsalagi Letters
Top players
GigaByteAdds a kill, deaths, and kd counter to players.
LunovoxAdd multiple computing devices such as: Smartphones and Desktops. It supports several apps integrated by other mods.
Portal gun
AiTechEyePortals and stuff
Obsidianstuff Redo
OgelGamesAdds obsidian tools and armor
TenPlus1Adds bows and arrows to game. Fork of the mod by AiTechEye
Advanced Biome Decoration Modpack
EmptyStarA collection of advanced biome decorations
Hang Glider
mt-modsAdds a functional hang glider for exploring
ClydeAdds 15 flowers and 6 mushrooms.
ClydeAdds some Barchairs.
Dyed Water
erovDyed water for mtg
the curse of the corngirl
Soundwavezadds a creepy cornfield, with a dark secret...
Cucina Vegana
ClydeAdds plants and spices for a vegan kitchen
Cloud Items
Panquesito7Powerful cloud tools.
Warning: Non-free media.
Art Paintings in Frames (high res, 512px)
ClassicAdamVarious paintings in frames for hanging on walls. High res at 512px.
Random (Useful) stuff
pl608A library that adds well... Random Stuff
sorcerykidAn assortment user-customizable presents for special occasions
Beautiful Boulders
regulusProcedurally Generated Rocks with (pretty) Accurate Collision Boxes
My Walls
DonAdds more wall types for walls mod.
MTC Chisel
Can202Add Chisel and new decorative blocks.
JoleshAdds nuggets and shards
Useful Contraptions
theFoxSome useful contraptions / machines.
Nyfty Blocks
Ryft77Adds some nifty blocks
Wilhelmines Living Caves Mobs
Liiladds mobs to the caves of your world
Mystical Agriculture(redo)
ArkatronFork of mystical_agriculture
School Furniture
josegamestestDecorations to build schools with classrooms and create a welcoming environment for teachers and students
Ta4 Jetpack
joe7575JetPack for Techage
Aqua Farming
ClydeFarming under Water, now it's possible.
Castle Shields
FaceDeerAdds decorative wall shields
Ta4 Paraglider
joe7575Techage Paraglider Mod
Spanish Phonics Learn to Read
NeuromancerLearn how to sound out words and read in Spanish
Castle Farming
FaceDeerContains farming products useful for decorating a castle
Nextgen Fungi
StarNinjasAdds 3D mushrooms
FirefallGrow Multiplants and get a random seed or flower!
MadKamel's Random Mod
MadKamelA collection of random items and ideas.
Wooden Bucket
Hume2A bucket made of wood for new farmers
Underground Challenge
Hume2Explore all 62 underground biomes!
TheAlchemist0033adds throwable and regular potions to game (beta)
Weedstone Random Mod Thing
chaosomniumOriginally meant to be a simple electronics type mod inspired by redstones, I messed around with the code after getting bored and got this weird mod, and now it's this thing. Enjoy I guess?
Bedrock Markup Language
sorcerykidBedrock Markup Language is an extensible markup language and API for formspecs.
Minetest Game Plus
WuzzyAdds various simple decorative blocks, doors, panes and other items, focusing on snow, ice, luxury, bamboo and more.
3D Furniture by tony-ka
CalebJA lightweight mod which adds various home and bathroom furniture nodes, and some castle/medieval-themed nodes.
_XenonAdds dark stuff
Multiple Biome Generator
chaosomnium230 Pseudorandomly Generated Biomes, Trees, Fruits, Ores, Tools, and Liquids
LW Wires
loosewheelWires and bundle cables.
joe7575A Mining, Crafting, & Farming Modpack for Minetest
Andrey01A collection of all train mods based on advtrains which made by various people.
Hero Mines
NeuromancerCan you rescue the miner trapped at the bottom of the mine? Creates mines that are used as levels for the game H.E.R.O.
Lakemaker Mod
sunnysideupA TNT block that makes lakes/bodies of water.
TermosAdds water erosion, so flowing water forms somewhat more realistic looking waterfalls.
StarNinjasAdds new industrious-themed blocks and tools.
philipbenrThis is a modpack all about creating castles and castle dungeons.
APercyAdds a craftable submarine
gpcfNice trains for Advtrains
Grow Dry Grass
Silver SandstoneMakes dry grass spread on savanna dirt.
DragonopIntroduces the Claycrafter, which converts Compressed Dirt to Clay using Glasses of Water.
sofarA stylish item and node frame that causes no lag/server load.
Alive AI
AiTechEyeAdvanced survivor ai mobs (npc, monsters and more)
Castle Lighting
FaceDeerThis mod contains medieval castle lighting solutions
Castle Storage
FaceDeerContains storage containers one might find contained in a castle.
Uranium Stuff
EpoxumAdds Uranium tools and armor, compatible with technic.
StarNinjasAdds coral reefs, fish, decorative ocean blocks and much more!
loosewheelAdds programmable computers and robots, and sundry.
More TNT
mittelmaessigercoder2Adds more TNT
Burnable Diamonds
Hume2Make diamonds useable as fuel
More Tools
SFENCEAdd more variant of screwdriver and shears (if vines is enabled). Add garden trowel tool if composting is enabled.
iarbatDe-craft items with the decrafting workbench.
Nate's CTF Guns
cracksmoka420Adds craftable guns that feel like hit scan
Minimap Radar
OgelGamesA simple mod that enables the use of the minimap radar with a craftable item
Infinite Wood Mod
thehumanarachnidYou can now get infinite wood in survival
v-robAdds decorative slats that have a lot of uses.
Search and Rescue
josegamestestAdds search and rescue vehicles for difficult situations
Clothing 2
SFENCEAdd clothes to game, based on clothing from stu. For available machines and clothes, use this with appliances mod. Skinsdb makes clothing visible.
Embedded Lights
scr267Decorative block embedded LED or Potlights
Oil lamps
ademantCreate oillamps with oil from leaves (basic_materials) or create oil with seeds.
Thomas-SAdds basic furniture (Chairs, Tables, Small Tables, Tiny Tables, Benches).
Lapis Lazuli
LNJAdds lapis lazuli ore, items and blocks.
Tac Nayn
GreenXenithAdds Nyan Cat's evil twin, Tac Nayn (and a gray-scale rainbow).
Colored Sand
LoneSurvivrAdds dyed variants for the default sand.
Connected Chests
Hybrid DogAllows making bigger default chests.
De Nenio
JoleshAdds possibilities to get items normally unobtainable in skyblock through new mechanics and objects
Coconut Trees
AwesomeDragon97Adds coconut trees that appear on beaches
Doors without window
TarasArtAdds doors and trapdoors without windows to Minetest Game.
Wireless Mesecons
GreenXenithWireless Mesecons and Digilines
ElCeejoAdds Banshees, a ghostly mob that haunts pine forests
Medieval (Fork)
DragonWrangleran addon to darkage
Balrog Sword MT 5.4
DragonWranglerallows those using the old mobs balrog mod to have balrog swords
SharaAdds fireflies which can be caught in a net and placed in bottles for lighting.
Sticks Stones
MikeRedwoodMakes Sticks from leaves and scatters small stones
Stone Chests
AwesomeDragon97Replaces the wooden chests found in dungeons with stone chests.
DSDevice to meassure time of mesecon signals in globalsteps
Valleys Mapgen
Gaël de SaillyA map generator with valleys, rivers, mountains and many plants.
Time Stone
j45This mod adds 2 single use stones, a day stone and a night stone, the day stone turns time to sunrise and the night stone turns time to sunset.
Better Ice
TheFanneModifies ice so that it melts into water when broken, and will be melted by torches
MTC Burger
Can202Adds Burgers.
iarbatAdds a hard to obtain yet powerful substance called Aether.
BuckarooBanzaicity mapgenerator
Stained Glass
andersjeAdds various stained glass blocks, originally by doyousketch2
ᏣᎳᎩ Phonics
yonaPhonics Tsalagi (Learn how to Read ᏣᎳᎩ)
Better Biomes by Atlante
NeuromancerThis mod adds some of the subtle understated beauty of nature to your biomes to make the world look more natural. It was created by Atlante.
Tile Floors
ClassicAdamVarious colors of tile flooring in 16px and 256px res
MathiasEconomy featuring a primitive supply and demand system for exchanging goods.
Lock Workshop
LRVThis mod removes the crafts for locked and shared nodes and makes them craftable in the lock workshop via their unlocked/locked counterpart and a lock.
Wilhelmines Living Floatlands
LiilAdds various prehistoric animals to your Floatland Zone, if you are using V7 Map Generator.
Evil_GabeA mod that adds machines and tools also ores, items, etc
Real Elevators
Andrey01Adds realistic elevators with smooth moving.
Anonymous_mooseAdds decorative banners in all colours of wool.
Configuration Panel
sorcerykidAPI extension that allows seamless loading of mod configuration at runtime
Bouncy Leaves
1F616EMOAdds bouncy and fall damage reduce effect to leaves
Math blocks
GiulioAdds decorative math blocks to help in teaching
kyleclaassenA tool for constructing mathematical curves/surfaces/solids.
ullametal blocks stair railing coloured
HCBP 18_01 Parasite - beta
SoundwavezAdds an Injector, Containing a sample of the HCBP 18_01 Parasite (Highly Contageous Blood Parasite). use on your enemys. and or your friends, if youre a backstabber!
Smoke Signals
Just_VisitingSignal your friends, or warn your enemies!
golden lava
GigaByteadd golden lava
Koda_Adds Gemstones to the game
lordfingleA library to make it easier for developers to detect on_walk_over
XenonDraw or generate random structures
1F616EMOPortable data storage for Digilines
SXProvides API to register node metadata tools along with few useful tools
Block In Block
TumeniNodesA silly mod to spark creativity
johalunMobile storage box powered by Mese
WuzzyA framework to define and distribute random treasures into the world.
cakenggtLive in a tropical paradise where you can sail, mine coconuts, etc.
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
Fake unknown node
orwellAdds a node that looks like an unknown node
The Composter
Dino0815Adds a composter to make dirt out of your leaves.
Rainbow Source
SharaAdds coloured water.
X Clay
SaKeLAdds hardened clay.
Boost Cart
KrockThis mod offers improved minecarts and a few more rail types.
SokomineShared chests, doors, furnaces and signs - with keys
Frozen Energy
bell07Use frozen energy crystals to freeze water
SkyBuilder1717Adds an looting and API in archaeologing
Technic Farming
ademantThe technic farming modpack extends the technic modpack game with new machines for farming.
Sunset Biomes
RisingLeafAdding two biomes and stuff around them.
Wilhelmines Living Desert
LiilAdds plants to the default deserts of minetest game.
DonAdds several different style doors.
Chest Tools
SokomineShared locked chests with bag support and quick inventory access
More Swords
JAstudiosAdds more powerfull swords that have various abilities.
SharaAdds a climbing pick which creates handholds in stone, desert stone, sandstones and ice nodes.
sofarBring color into the mgv7 mapgen world.
Infinite Chest
DragonopAdds a configurable chest that gives an infinite amount of something.
Spawn redo
cathaya7d4Drop-in replacement for default/spawn for more third-party biomes
Hybrid DogAdds titanium which is very strong and lasts for a long time.
X17Adds eatable sugar made of papyrus and a sugar block
KrockMoney items for your world. You can mine bitcoins. Sort of.
Legendary Ore
DynamaxPikachuAdds legendary ore and blocks
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
Colourful Ladders
Itz-Noah40 colourful wooden ladders
BingFeng Maidroid
XYChenAn improved version of Maidroid, providing maid robots.
artur99Adds hidden and secret nodes.
Jean's Economy
Jean3219Full Economy for Servers like, paying, individual bank statemants, daily rewards, easy api for modders, easy integration with other mods ...
qawsedrftgzhGo skiing, and have fun, and save your winter holidys
BuckarooBanzaiAdds blocks to create missions with rewards, timeout and penalties.
AiTechEyeA easy bow mod with arrows
This should be make sense!
1F616EMOAdds missing crafting recipes that should exist
Configuration Pack
X17Contains several node setting changes
Wildflower Fields
mzs.112000Adds a wildflower field biome to Minetest Game.
Simple Xray
MikeRedwoodMakes stone and desert stone see through, also works with nether mod
Universal geometry realm
paramatCreate worlds of varying shapes
Technic Grass Clean
1F616EMOA tool like chainsaw, but cut grass, not tree.
Minetest 2D
AiTechEyeTransforms the minetest world into 2d dimension
X17Make charcoal from trees and use this as fuel
GoopsAllows to recycle metal tools
Simple Shooter
stuFirst person shooter mod.
Colored Steel
cd2Adds colored steel blocks.
ullaA simple jukebox that can be used for small looped tracks, or simply to listen to music
Castle Weapons
FaceDeerProvides several medieval weapons for use around castles
niwla23Make day by using one mese crystal!
S Potions
StakboxAdds a simple potion brewing system for MTG. Includes API for adding custom potions.
S Battlehammer
StakboxAdds a battlehammer weapon with high knockback for MTG (compatible only with Mobs Redo API).
blackhole containment box
Soundwavezcool swirvy gravitational blackhole boxes, that can be used to "ahnialate" enemy bases, or for "deforestation" aah i love abms! (extra dramatic!))
Realm Lamp
GenesisMTA rainbow gradient block for decoration and with differents speeds.
zorman2000Generic item shelf with 3D items on display
Invisible Wall
X17Adds a simple invisible block
TP Gate
AiTechEyeTeleport through the gate
v-robAdds a large number of advanced nodes conducive to building large, industrial bridges.
soerendeco whitestone
Paintings Library
JoeEndermanA simple paintings library for MTG and potentially others in future.
fluxionarya tool for testing the behavior of tnt
3D Apple
1F616EMOApples aren't flat!
Jackknifeadds silver ore and tools
X17Adds simple roads in 4 sizes.
More Mese Post Lights!
1F616EMOAdd more mese post light
Giant Mushroom/ Mushrooms
Hybrid DogAdd mushrooms and giant mushrooms.
DonCrown molding, columns and baseboards of different styles.
FaceDeerHammer and anvil for repairing tools
mike.monkeybiterA refillable machine to easily create simple block bridges across caverns and valleys.
Musical Instruments
MadKamelA collection of musical instruments.
JoeEndermanAdds an uncrafting table
NordalAdds handmills and threshing floor.
Craft Table
BrunoMineAdd Craft Table
Fast Build Tool
playduinTool for fast box building
Rain Barrels and Wells
Piezo_Replaces overpowered "water generators" with a unique water-harvesting system
Nathan.SLets you put up decorative walls around your gardens, and make pretty hardscapes.
Dyeable Steel Blocks
nemokitty9Allows Players to dye Steel for decorative blocks.
GloopTest Pack
GloopMasterAdds a collection of things into minetest. As it stands, this adds three different modules.
kevinsAdds an API and tool to generate random names for NPCs, mobs, and places.
Colored Leaves
OttoAdds several colors of leaves
The Build Spawner
Thunder1035Gives build spawner for spawning builds which makes city creation easy
CSperson's Simple Pebbles
CSpersonA very simple mod that adds natural detritus. Doesn't do much besides that.
More Snow
Sokominesnow and wool for stairs - nicer winter landscape and snow-covered roofs
Jose_ManuelS18Adds lootboxes to dungeon loot.
Item Holders
Jose_ManuelS18Adds 'Item Holders', blocks that hold your items in display, also provides a API.
DonTeleports the player to the other side of the world when they reach the edge.
My Fences
DonAdds nice looking fences.
My Item Chest
DonA chest that spawns different items
My Mulch
DonTurns leaves and other items to mulch blocks
My Paths
DonDirt and stone paths.
My Slopes
Steel bar blocks
sotha1adds blocks made of steel bars (xpanes)
My Parkour
DonNodes for making a parkour track
Wilhelmines Living Nether
LiilAdds various creatures to your Nether.
mt-modsadds a ufo for flying around in
monkMakes dry soil wet for farming
Mystical Agriculture
TechNolaByteAdds Resource Crops, Seeds, Essences, and other cool things!
GigaByteadds a defensive turret
My Boardgames
DonThis is a modpack with 17 mini games. It includes chess, checkers, connect 4, uno and more.
My Chisel
DonA chisel that allows you to shape blocks.
My Deck
DonMake realistic looking decks on your house.
My Hole In The Wall
DonDecorative blocks for around gardens and more
My Siding
DonAdds lines on one side of block to make it look like siding
My Stone Paths
DonStone paths
My Ladders
DonAdds different ladders to Luanti
Better Anvil
SkyBuilder1717Adds an better anvil for renaming and easy repairing items
Not So Simple Mobs
TenPlus1Adds a host of creatures into your world with new weapons too.
More Stones
Blocky PlayerProvides a variety of educational and decorative minerals and rocks.
My Roofs
DonAdds mesh roofing nodes.
Basic signs
mt-modsA small selection of metal wall signs, and a few kinds of wooden signs.
monkOverride tool functionality during runtime
Knightech86This adds sund powerful suits
Baked Clay
TenPlus1Adds the ability to bake clay into blocks and colour them with dye.
Redo of Minetest (Game) Doors
TPHUtilizes my Doors API Redo to better simplify and work the doors
mt-modsColorize some wood!
APercyAdds an airship to mtg
Simple streetlight spawner
mt-modsAdds various streetlight "spawners" (5m tall, supports multiple pole materials and light sources)
Alien Material
debiankaiosAdds new blocks, items, and tools from aliens. A new time begins.
mt-modsmulticolored torches
JoleshAdds Waste and ways to recycle it into useful resources
Cube Nodes
Andrey01Adds colorful blocks with various symbols as letters, digits, punctuation, emoji and special signs.
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
wowiamdiamondsThis mod allows the user to re-color default bricks using Unified Dyes, and provides some pattern variations as well.
Stone Age Integration Pack
csirolliAdds basic stone age & survival tools and makes the start in the world harder
visible health bar
GigaByteadds a visible health bar above the player
Fishing Boat
APercyAdds a fishing boat
Ancient Ice Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds a new powerful ore to the game
Upgrade Packs
KrockProvides craftable packs to players to increase their health and breath
Knapping Mechanics
csirolliAdds knapping mechanics API inspired by Vintage story
LinuxdirkNodes for pixelart grouped in color palettes
LED Marquee
mt-modsProvides a simple LED marquee that accepts single characters, strings, or whole screen-fulls of text, via Digilines.
Ultralight Trike
APercyAdds a craftable ultralight trike
My Regen Chest
DonSpawns items when opened and will not again for determined amount of time
balrog (flux's fork)
fluxionaryadds balrogs.
Quarry Mechanics
kestralAdds quarry mechanics to stone nodes.
LokratesProduce biofuel from unused plants.
tides & floods
Lemente[WIP] [Warning: read full description] Adds the /sealevel command to rise/lower the sealevel.
Slimes inspired by TheManaWorld
mt-modsAdds several types of slimes inspired by TheManaWorld
Simple Recycle
JoleshAdds the possibility to recycle items and nodes by smelting or decrafting them back to their original resources.
Nyancat's heaven (reworked)
Hybrid DogAdds a nyanland in the sky
My Appearance
DonChange Your Appearance
JALdMICPart 2 of Assets_Warehouse
Ethereal NG
TenPlus1Adds many new biomes, items and mechanics into the world.
XP Redo
mt-modsAdds experience, ranks, and doors only accessible to those above a certain rank. Not actually a redo of any mod.
My Bricks
DonMachine to make bricks out of common material
AtlanteThis mod adds a pair of shears to easily cut foliage, flowers, wool etc.
Swamp Biome
AtlanteThis mod adds a new swamp biome, with mangrove trees, mud and more!
Real Torch
TenPlus1Realistic torches that go out eventually and drop in water
Darkage - the original plus improvements
addiDarkAge adds several new nodes and crafts to create a pre industrial landscape.
Unified Hammers
LinuxdirkVarious hammers that can be used to crush nodes.
Industrial Mese
LinuxdirkCraft and use industrial Mese
Fumo Plushies
aSliceOfCakesilly fumo plushies to decorate your world with
Ubertool Mod
HartRendProvides a combination pick, shovel, and axe tool capable of extreme function. Tool is also illuminated.
Filled Bottles
EmptyStarFilled bottles for Minetest Game and other supported mods
Octavian2011adds suits for speed and look
Block League
ZughyS4 League inspired shooter minigame
Additional Gravel
HordekingAdds overgrown gravel, similar to mossy cobblestone.
Craftable Lava
MikeRedwoodEnables the crafting of lava from baked stone
LootChests Modpack
mt-modsModpack adding a lot of various loot containers across the world to be found and providing an API, resources and integrations for other mods
My Sponge
DonA sponge that soaks up water
Echoes91Adds spears, versatile weapons that can be thrown.
attraction grenade
GigaByteadd an void grenade
Flay KruneganNew Confetti for all!
TenPlus1This mod adds bees and beehives into minetest
joe7575Minecart, the lean railway transportation automation system
cheapieAdvanced modern road infastructure (fork)
Travelnet Redo: Beacons
1F616EMOTravelnet components in Telemosaic style
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
1F616EMODecorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
MisterEWormball subgame
PvP Training Bot Mod
TigerMask1A Minetest mod that adds customizable practice bots and spawner blocks to help players train their PvP skills. Includes difficulty levels, realistic animations, and unique tools for managing spawners.
Beds Redo
TenPlus1beds which allows sleep, featured to (auto) skip the night.
3d ores!
Soundwaveza slick new take on the default ores!
My Treasure
DonAdds treasure chests around the world
Infinity Gauntlet
GcbardenAdds The Infinity Gauntlet
New Campfire
mt-modsYou can craft and use better campfire.
Magic Materials
mt-modsA mod providing common resources and shared magic system for modpacks like gadgets_modpack, bweapons_modpack, and possibly others
mt-modsAdds three scifi/space cannons with various projectile-speed and explosion-strength
mt-modsA Minetest mod for user-generated teleportation pads.
More Ladders
SkyBuilder1717Adds more ladders and sticks!!!
TenPlus1Adds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
Bed Rock
DSAdds a bed-rock, for sleeping
Respawn Kit
DeadlockAdds a "respawn-kit"-Chest. A Copy of everything you put in it, will be given to you on respawn. (With configurable Black/White-List)
player flying animation
GigaBytechange the player animation when flying
ExtexAdds Pizza as an Endgame food
Sim Trains
NazalassaAdds some trains, for use with Advtrains.
Node roads
MatyasPAdd much of one-node roads and crossroads, road bridges and slopes
More Crafting Recipes
RasPiManiacAdds more default crafting recipes
Nether Mobs
DirkfriedAdd monsters and dragons to your nether world.
FaceDeerAdds rope boxes of various lengths and also rope ladders.
Dungeon loot chests
X-DEAdds loot chests, a command to prevent spawning loot in the chest so you can save a schematic with a loot chest, adds 2 functions to create loot in other chests
Super Foods!
LoopyAntennaAdds many new foods, such as cake, watermelon, coconut, and cheese! You can even play in Survival!
My Default Lights
DonSimple lights made from default material
My Mesh Nodes
DonA machine that makes different shape node
Unstable Caves
M BLOCSome stones may cave in if punched, making underground expeditions more risky.
alerikaisatteraAmethyst, basalt, calcite and related building blocks
Strong Wooden Pickaxe
mufigilangAdd strong wooden pickaxe that destroy stone as fast as diamond pickaxe
MiniontobyA doorbell mod with sound
joe7575Allows building of tubes to let players travel from point point in seconds (900 km/h)
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
APercyAdds a craftable motorboat
My Mine Shaft
DonMakes tunnels straight down that you can climb
My Admin
DonAdmin tools for servers including Admin picks, curse protection, chat commands and more.
My Lights
DonLightbulbs and light fixtures.
fluxionaryrun a command and put the output in a book
My Mason Hammer
DonA hammer to make stairs, ladders and footholds
UFO wreck
IrremannUFO wreck
GigaByteadds a powerful sword capable of deforming the ground **beta**
RealBadAngelExtensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
GigaByteadd an api to create bosses
My Workshop
DonWorkshop benches
DonProvides paint brushes and buckets for other mods to use to paint their items.
Ancient Runes
spixiAncient Runes
player animation in water
GigaByteadds an animation when swimming
My Streets
DonAdds asphalt and other items you need to build streets
Splink Storage
YoreniAdds items that can store massive amounts of other items in your inventory
Technic Plus
mt-modsTechnic fork with focus on features and stability
My Torches
DonChanges default torches to ones that burn out and cause damage
xXOsielXxAllow sprinting/running with double tap
My Cobble
DonThis is a simple mod that lets you turn cobble into gravel and gravel into sand
DonPut decorative corners on blocks.
Ranged Weapons
LarsAdds some guns and throwable weapons.
MrFreemanA simple minigame where the players need to jump on the correct platform to avoid to fall down
Hardcore mode
SkyBuilder1717Adds a hardcore mode.
No Melterns, no tools
InfiniteCoder01You can't craft tools without melters now. Progression becomes harder
Ruined structures
X-DEAdds ruins to desert, sandstone desert, icesheet, snowy grassland, taiga, rainforest and tundra
block physics
GigaByteAdd pieces of broken blocks when breaking them.
Beautiful Flowers
1facoAdds many flowers to MT
Stamina (Fork)
TenPlus1Adds stamina and hunger (this fork adds drunk effects and player_monoids/pova support)
portal gun
GigaByteadd a portal gun
EmilianoA package that adds More Ores and Things
Jo5629_Craft guns and their components with an added workbench.
My Concrete
DonMyconcrete adds concrete blocks, sidewalks and other items
X Obsidianmese
SaKeLShooting sword, woodcutting / treecapitator axe, multiple plow blocks / plant seeds hoe, path creating shovel, pickaxe can place secondary items (e.g. torches) and more...
My Sheet Metal
DonGutters, fashia and soffit makes your house look great.
Optionally Used By
Good Torch
LissoBoneMerely a flashlight that uses ray casting.
Superimposed Window Frames
1F616EMOAdd a wooden frame over windows
Pride Flags
WuzzyAdds a variety of animated flags to celebrate Pride
Powered Tools
SFENCETools powered by electric/combustion engine. Includes brush cutter and chainsaw.
Watering Can
SFENCEA watering can to wetten soil. Support for Hades Revisited. Supported by composting.
Regional Weather Bundle
TestificateModsNot every biome is the same and neither should their weather be. The complete weather bundle for any game.
orwellAdds an "Engraving Table" that allows to change the description of items
Basic Houses
SokomineSimple random houses spawning in small groups on the map
Draigh-uisge (waterdragon)
HomiakAdds powerful Water Dragons, powerful armor and some blocks.
Rocket Launcher
Zemtzov7Rocket launcher using MT's tnt.boom function
mrkubax10Features electricity and various useful machines. Inspired by Technic and IC2.
Tool Enhancement
archfan7411Allows players to enhance their tools through mese infusion
Hades Revisited
WuzzyYou have stranded on the planet Hades. Use your limited supplies to survive and use terraforming to create a beautiful habitable place. (EARLY TEST VERSION)
Power generators
SFENCEAdd power generators based on appliances API.
The4spaceconstantsUses compression_api to generate compressed nodes.
Regional Weather
TestificateModsA weather pack for Climate API
Wrench - node rotation tool
ArgosA better screwdriver.
JuriAdds some blocks that look like presents.
LissoBoneChess. No rules as of now, only pieces and a board.
Jail Escape
StarNinjasEscape the Jail! Don't get caught!
Simple Tape Measure
OgelGamesAdds a simple tape measure.
mt-modsSupplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them.
Vision Lib
mt-modsCommon library for PolySaken's mods.
Rope Bridges
SFENCEBuildable rope bridge. Should be used with moreblocks or hades_moreblocks.
SFENCEMake player possible to make his own sculture and paint on it with painting oil colors. Hades Revisited is supported.
Blocky portaling
BRNSystemsA WIP game based on AiTechEye's portalgun
Custom Falling Nodes
TenPlus1Tweak falling blocks to add custom controls
tacotexmexSling enables item stack and single item throwing of any item.
KilarinAdds a new "bridge tool" that makes placing stone (or glass, earth, or any material) while building a bridge in no-fly mode easy.
More Blocks
CalinouAdds various miscellaneous blocks.
mt-modsAdds a wrench to pick up nodes with inventories, such as chests, and transport them to another location.
grorpPaint anything! Graffiti for Luanti.
Flag Chooser
Jo5629_Change to a specific flag in pride_flags with this tool.
Metadata Inspector
1F616EMOInspect or modify metadatas of a node
ApolloXAdds various knives with extreme damage
debiankaiosPlayers compete to be the last one standing on a layer of falling TNT
random_geekProvides flexible interior and exterior lighting options for different styles of builds.
Mesecons Windows
WuzzyAdds 3 glass blocks which change their transparency when supplied with Mesecons power.
Mystic Runes
liteninglazerAdds runes which can be used to craft powerful items.
Johannes FritzShootable and aimable cannons
MintInstantly break (most) construction blocks.
FaceDeerPlayers walking over various types of terrain will leave footprints, and optionally pack the soil down into trails
ROllerozxaBrightly coloured nodes for chroma-keying. (greenscreens)
Hammer Of Power
LandarVarganAdds a steel hammer and the powerful version that you can create from it.
Chat Anticurse
lag01Kick player out when they type a curse word in chat or using /me or /msg command.
NoodlemireAdds various projectile weapons which work based off of MT 5.3.0's new collision info provided to objects' on_step functions.
SwissalpSAdds a HUD to show current ingame time and position also tool to visualize map-blocks
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
Unified Dyes
mt-modsUnified Dyes expands the standard dye set from 15 to up to 256 colors (depending on the object to be colored)
SuperStarSonicSubmission for the LGJ2024. A space survival game.
Lava Stuff
LandarVarganAdds lava armor, tools, and blocks
Light Tool
ExtexAdds a tool and api that creates beams of light
Research N' Duplicate
NoodlemireObtain and research enough of a specific item to unlock the ability to infinitely duplicate it.
Mesecons Onlinedetector
AFCMAdd online detector to mesecons
replacer (flux's redo)
fluxionaryprovides a node replacement tool and a node inspection tool. slightly different than the other replacer variants.
Biome Lib
mt-modsThe biome spawning and management library.
Zemtzov7Colorable railgun using raycast and particles
ExtexAdds festive christmas items and nodes
Bushy Leaves (fork)
rudzik8Makes leaves render bushy instead of boxy. Now with better performance and Plantlife support.
Little Lady
Just_VisitingA Little Ladybug in a Big World
Petroglyph Maker
NeuromancerCreate your own petroglyphs on Desert Stone
ElCeejoAdds terrifying Dragons and powerful equipment.
mt-modsRandom digilines devices
Nutra Paste
ApolloXLow quality, but free, food source.
ApolloXA node which produces ores
Lifesteal Mod
Jo5629_Provides a lifesteal mod into Minetest.
Global Bulletin Boards
FaceDeerAllows creation of global bulletin boards where players can post public messages
Doomsday Device
Warr1024The pinnacle of explosives mods
Fix floating sands!
1F616EMOAvoid hanging sands and gravels
fluxionaryitemframe that's a plate
FaceDeerA "floating" block that can be placed at the surface of a body of water without needing to build pilings first.
ApolloXBe more forgiving for those who are tired of their tools and/or armor breaking.
Wielded Light
bell07Adds shining for wielded and dropped items
Red Pockets
1F616EMOHappy Chinese New Year! Give artificial red pockets to kids!
Extra Wool Stuff
ImpulseAdds more wool items and nodes
Jetpack (sum)
SumiAdds a jetpack and fuel.
TenPlus1Adds realistic sound effects into your world.
ErisFork of aotearoa by Dokimi. Complements the default map biomes with Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud, New Zealand.
Warning: Non-free media.
Mega Zombie Scream Adventure 3D
5uper1achFight zombies until you die.
Horses (whinny)
AntumDelugeRideable horses.
Analogue clock
j0j0n4th4nA set of analogue clocks, one for each type of wood.
Large Slugs
jwmhjwmhAdds node-based slug mobs to your world
FaceDeerProvides pressurized air tanks for extended underwater excursions
Ma & Pop's Furniture Mod
GamingAssociation39This mod adds in functional furniture.
FaceDeerPath marker signs for use when exploring a twisty maze of passages that are all alike.
Simple Airship (sum)
SumiAdds a simple airship for getting around the floatlands. Also optionally uses air currents.
Real Compass
kestralA simple compass that only points north.
Renew Pack
ApolloXSelf Repairing tools and armor
Church Modpack
SFENCEChurch Modpack adds many decorative nodes to the game.
bones (redo)
fluxionarythe bones mod from minetest_game, but with updates to make them much more reliable
Advtrains Screen Doors
1F616EMOPlatform screen doors for Advtrains
joe7575Chop down the entire tree by removing the bottom piece of the tree trunk.
ATM for Unified Money
1F616EMOTake your money into physical currency
Voxel Knights
LandarVarganWIP Medival Fantasy Open World PvE game
Handholds Redo
TestificateModsAdds additional functionality to pickaxes as a climbing tool
louisroyerAdds keyrings.
No Map
LissoBoneReject tradition, embrace modernity. For those tired of default MTG maps. Crafting recipes for TechAge hackers available.
Simple Armor
BigBearSimple, flexible, easy to use armor with no dependancies
Tools Using the Node Damage and Repair System
NoodlemireOverrides pre-existing tools to make them cause persistent node damage.
loosewheelScratch programmable robots.
octacianTelevator allows you to create simple elevators in your worlds that work incredibly fast amidst lag and are relatively inexpensive to make.
LissoBonePlay with your friends and enemies in this exciting manhunt game.
Player IP Log
simondanerdMod for any game which logs what users join, and records their IP address. Content saved as a txt file in the worlds directory.
ApolloXBreath underwater with this item in hand
Feather Fall
ApolloXHolding this feather makes you light as it
Wilhelmines Animal World
LiilAdds various wild animals to your Minetest Game world.
mt-modsIngame mail-system
Tables and Chairs
shaftAdds tables and seating furniture
Liquid Physics
snoutieAdds physics to liquids, such as water physics, or lava physics
Sapling Spawn
karlexceedSpawns tree saplings
Automated Storage & Retrieval System
Nathan.SAdds an automated storage and retrieval system to Minetest.
SFENCECompost and composter machines. Mix dirt with compost to get garden soil. Plants from farming/farming redo/hades_extrafarming grows faster on garden soil. Hades Revisited is supported.
Farlands Reloaded
wsor4035lightweight game to explore and create
Parachute (sum)
SumiAdds parachutes. These are reusable but require you to craft to pack the parachute into your bag.
NoordstarAdd stalactites and stalagmites to your game.
BuckarooBanzaimod for the mapserver
Item Replicator
ApolloXReplicate items with ease.
oblerionadd skyboard flying vehicle with crafting
Chunk Keeper
ApolloXKeep sections of nodes loaded/running code and growing
Better Randomizer
ThePython10110Randomizes node drops, mob drops, and crafting recipes
Sounding Line
FaceDeerA tool for determining the depth of water or the depth of a hole.
Warning: Non-free media.
Item Repair
ApolloXRepair many items with ease.
EmptyStarResearch items to unlock duplication
SharaAdds connected hedges that that can be crafted from leaves.
csirolliA thermometer to check the temperature
Quiz - Play Challenge
snowyuThis mod requires players to answer question before they can play. If you answer correctly, you will get a award and continue to play, otherwise you will not be able to play.
TenPlus1Add cakes to MInetest
Template to Easily Make Fancy Voxelized Models
NoodlemireProvides voxelmodel.obj, a model designed to be shaped by changing its texture, in order to easily create fancy voxelized models.
Item Physics
SumiMakes items lay flat on the ground and not spin.
JALdMICThis mod is for try to sponsor the Makehuman and give the player a more realistic model
HomiakAdds a range of stone blocks and lanterns that lit when player is close
Simple Waypoints
chonA simple way to mark and teleport to important locations in your world
Equippable Accessories
davidthecreatoradds accessories that you can equip for the looks and stat bonuses.
Complete and Total Lua-Only Inventory Rewrite
NoodlemireCreates a completely custom inventory system, which doesn't rely at all on any of the usual UserData objects.
Teleporter Tool
ApolloXAdds a tool for moving nodes via teleportation
Framed glass
RealBadAngelFramed glass adds glass nodes with a frame that connects automatically to neighbouring nodes
rubenwardyAdds achievements
Regrowing Fruits
philipmiFruits on trees from various mods will regrow.
Inventory Pouches
ImpulseAdds inventory pouches.
ThePython10110Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
Falling Stairs
lazerbeak12345Adds falling stairs and slabs for gravel, sand and others.
ApolloXThe Advanced Chest
Fantasy Commodity Markets
FaceDeerAdds a number of fantasy-themed marketplaces using commoditymarket
Usable Nodes
VolikAdds usable nodes, such as kill block, or move block.
Cellestial Game
LMDGame of Life in three dimensions.
AmazAdds three different methods of flying, wings, jetpacks and flying carpets.
OgelGamesAdds a headlamp that can be worn as armor, providing a bright light source
Fire Braziers
Excalibur ZeroFire braziers that cause flames to erupt one node above them that don't fade right away when are near flames or are punched.
Secrets of the Space Parable
StarNinjasImagine being alone. In a spacecraft. This is you.
Solid Color Blocks
cheapieColorable (via unifieddyes) solid-color blocks.
Mob Core
mt-modsA Mob API meant to expand upon mobkit and bring easy to use features for creating new Mobs.
crabycowman123game jam submission
ZenonSethOn-demand item transportation + Powerful Storage
SpaghettiToastBookAdds craftable beacons in several different colors.
AdvTrains Livery Tools
MarnackLivery tools for Advanced Trains mods.
Dreambuilder hotbar expander
mt-modsExpands the hotbar to up to 32 slots
Lookup Tool
WuzzyAdds a tool which shows help entries about almost anything which it punches.
Technic Armor
mt-modsAdds armor made from lead, brass, cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, tin and silver
K WorldEdit Command Builder GUI
ketwarooAlternate worldedit frontend to build and run commands that is agnostic of inventory.
cultomAdds a steel hammer which allows to dig 3x3.
Kill History
LMDAdds a kill history
SokomineA bell that sounds each hour - like a historic bell in a church or town hall
Radiant Damage
FaceDeerA mod that allows nodes to damage players at a distance
Adventure Core
Just_VisitingAdventuring Resource System
Kick Player on Death/Respawn
VolikKicks player on death or respawn.
Zemtzov7Teleportation tool inspired by Unreal Tournament 2004
wsor4035Racing game, with procedurally generated tracks
Easy Vending Machines
WuzzyAdds vending and depositing machines which allow to buy and sell items from other players, using a currency item.
Mobs NPC
TenPlus1Adds simple NPC and Trader.
archfan7411Write and address an envelope to another player!
WuzzyGift boxes that players can give to other who will then receive random items
Pencil Redo
1F616EMOTool to edit infotext of nodes
srifqi(Yet Another) Superflat Map Generator: Customize world generation layer by layer
GigaByteadd 3d accessories
WuzzyAdds an encyclopedia item which allows you to access the help.
D00MedA mod that adds an api for cars, planes, and other vehicles.
Point Teleporter
WuzzyAdds a short-distance teleportation device which allows the user to instantly change the position in front of a pointed node.
BuckarooBanzaiBuild nodes with digiline commands
K Wider Hotbar
ketwarooIncreases the number of hotbar slots by displaying exta inventory rows
Basic Streets
BuckarooBanzaiSimple tar-based street nodes with markings for straight,corner,crossing and t-junction
Valentine's day
LukeAdds valentine cards
LukeAllows Minetest players to easily copy+paste nodes.
mt-modsProvides shops, barter tables, safes, and multiple denominations of currency, called "Minegeld". Originally written by Dan Duncombe, but maintained by me.
Instant Sapling Growth
Panquesito7Instantly grows sapling and trees when placed. 🌳
ApolloXFor tracking what ores are around the player.
Hallelujah Mountains (AKA Cloudlands)
DrFrankenstoneGiant rocks floating suspended in magnetic eddies. (skylands, islands, fantasy, giant trees)
Silver SandstoneAdds deepslate and related building materials.
Personal Log
FaceDeerA personal log where players can track events and places
Storage Drawers
LNJAdding simple storages for items, showing the item's inventory image in the front.
Mapgen with Rivers
Gaël de SaillyMap generator focused on realistic rivers and landscapes, using physical equations.
Minetest Email
MrFreemanAdds email style inboxes to Minetest.
FreeLikeGNU(Respectfully) Destructive! Goblin NPCs burrow underground, build lairs, set traps and cultivate foodstuffs. They like to steal torches!
Calendar Node
WuzzyAdds a placeable calendar
Lighting Wand
vibes81Adds a greedy wand that eats burnable items and uses it to place a light where ever the player points.
Warning: Non-free media.
Pumpkin Pies
spiceminesAdds various recipes for making pumpkin pies.
StarNinjasAdds the ability to zoom in via a Spyglass
Advanced Breath and Health APIS
liteninglazerCreates APIS to allow different players to heal health and allow different players to breathe different items.
GigaByteadds a frag grenade,molotov and smoke grenade
Sane Tools
42tpacAdds a 3x3 hammer, a one layer wand builder and a one layer scraper
K Color Blocks
ketwarooAdds specific stainable blocks for building stuff in creative mode. Comes with a rainbow wand for applying the tints.
Speed Manipulation
VolikChange your speed!
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
Silver SandstoneAdds leads for moving and tethering animals.
Ancient Fertilizer
DanielAdds ancient fertilizer, sourced from ancient stone in the underground, useful for farming flowers if you need dye for colored nodes, complements bonemeal.
Raw Ore Blocks
Silver SandstoneAdds block forms of metal lumps.
Sparking Wand Mod
OlafCraft a wand with which you can cast a lightning spell. Great for discovering caves.
Ladders 3D
Linuxdirk3D ladders of a wide variety of base materials.
Silver SandstoneAdds rivets for decoration or locking blocks.
Unicode Signs
coraSigns that allow unicode text
FaceDeerAdds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
Mapgen Superflat
DragonWranglerMakes your world super flat
JeijaThis mod adds digiline wires, an RTC (Real Time Clock), a light sensor as well as an LCD Screen.
1F616EMOAdds straight and diagonal banisters for stairs railings.
Lighted Helmets
AntumDelugeLight-emitting helmets.
Hybrid DogCute, adorable dog nodes
AntumDelugeA set of free sounds & API.
csirolliAdds a "thirst" mechanic, similar to hunger.
Karst Caverns
MisterEA cavern generator that creates complex karst cavern systems, with rooms interconnected by multilevel tunnels. Experience the joy of caving.
Advanced Biome Decoration Modpack
EmptyStarA collection of advanced biome decorations
Compression Mods Bundle
The4spaceconstantsA bundle of the mods that generate certain compressed nodes.
Wire Transfer Terminal for Unified Money
1F616EMODigital way of transferring money in Unified Money system
More particles
QualMakes game more immersive by adding more particles
Home Workshop modpack
mt-modsThis is a simple modpack containing computers, tools, machines, etc.
adikalonAdds a scary and strong monster that lives in caves
Dynamic Liquid
FaceDeerFlowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.
LandarVarganYour ship has crashed, armed with a few tools you must harvest meteorites to repair your ship while fighting off hordes of aliens
WorldEdit Additions
StarbeamrainbowlabsExtra tools and commands to extend WorldEdit. Currently has over 70 commands!
Quiz UI
snowyuThe Manager UI for the Quiz mod.
AiTechEyeAdds a few dimensions/worlds
Handle Schematics
SokomineA library to make creating and placing saved areas easier.
WuzzyA collection of tools to help you orient yourselves in the world, such as compass, altimeter, etc.
Slimes Redo
TenPlus1Add green and lava slimes to your world.
PyuSurvival Game
What Were You Expecting?
epCodeAn interactive rpg game with a fun ending.
Wisdom Check Part 1
RedundantCFear of Surprises (game jam 2023 entry)
SokomineExchange/replace nodes with one click.
ElCeejoBrings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
Castle Masonry
FaceDeerThis is a mod all about creating castles and castle dungeons.
Basic Machines
waxtatectLightweight automation mod
SokomineExplore the world and find villages of diffrent types. Buy a house in a village and settle down.
Colour Hop
talasHelp the jumping blobs defeat the evil dragons and bring colour back to the world.
Basic Materials and items
mt-modsProvides a small selection of "basic" materials and items that other mods should use when possible -- things like steel bars and chains, wire, plastic strips and sheets, and more.
Trash Can
EvergreenAdds a wooden trash can, and a dumpster to the game.
Too Many Stones
JoeEnderman88 stones that will spawn in most games. Supports English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Pусский, Português, 日本語
NPC you can talk to (in combination with yl_speak_up)
SokomineAdds actual NPCs to yl_speak_up
Climb Glove
ApolloXA magic glove which allows you to punch nodes to travel vertically.
JeijaAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
Hexadecimal Colours
erovAdds nodes with colour palattes for each 3 character hex value like #fff
Orbs Of Time
FaceDeerA mod containing magical orbs a player can use a limited number of times to change the time of day
Hot Air Balloons
EranAdds craftable and controllable hot air balloons.
Chair lift
SFENCEAdd craftable and usable chair lift. TIPS: Use gearbox, grease parts (hemp oil), check grease with inspect tool, combine more engines...
Veil of the Unknown
StarNinjasExperience a world of complete blindness. Try you best to survive without the gift of sight.
Last Login Signs
fgazAdds signs that show the last login of players that right-clicked them
Generic Inoffensive Flags
AwesomeDragon97Adds generic flags that come in multiple basic colors.
Select Item
WuzzyAllows other mods to add a simple form to choose a single item.
1F616EMOPlay music from albums
rubenwardyCommand your troops to victory - an RTS mini-game
Canned Food MTG
AliasAlreadyTakenCraft and eat yl_canned_food in mtg
MarnackAdditional railway related content for use with Advanced Trains (advtrains).
3d Random Walk Blocks
chaosomnium3d Random Walker Blocks that create interesting structures in the world
hexcol color picker
Mjokfoxcolor picker for hexcol
SnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
tacotexmexSnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
Apartment Rental Panels
1F616EMOSelf-service rental panels for players to rent apartments or shops
SokomineBuild medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat, repair your tools.
Tools with Sounds
DuckGoAdds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
Droog71Moon Habitat Simulator
Adaptation lib and mods
SFENCEKey based adaptation database of items.
Log Spikes
Silver SandstoneAdds spikes made of various types of tree.
Portal Rail
BigBearMinecart rail that teleports exactly 500m in direction of travel
Avicennia_gInverted-direction player slingshot
World of Life
LMDSimulates 3D cellular automata in your entire world. WARNING: you will lose items & buildings in your world.
OgelGamesThe ultimate screwdriver.
Bushy Leaves
erleMakes leaves render bushy instead of boxy.
Worm Farm
sirrobzerooneAdds a way for worms to be cultivated for fishing - designed for use with Ethereal
Teleport Anchor
1F616EMOFixed teleport destinations for survival players or adventure map makers
fluxionarya magnet for picking up items
scaffolding (flux's version)
fluxionaryscaffolding, to help in building projects.
Better Trees
csirolliMakes trees more realistic.
Fallen Nodes Redo
csirolliMakes dirt, cobble, snow, straw and cactus nodes fall. Fork of Hamlet's fallen_nodes. May be destructive to existing worlds.
Grass Instabreak
MrBertramMakes certain flora blocks instantly breakable by hand.
Mid Measure
ANANDQuickly get the distance between two nodes and calculate their mid-point
Electric Screwdriver
skiscratcherA supplement to screwdriver, to speed up placing blocks in a repetitive way
Player Effect Potions
WuzzyAdds potions with temporary player effects.
Watering Can
WuzzyA watering can to wetten soil.
Inspect Tool
SFENCEInspect tool to show some info about nodes which support inspection.
SXProvides API to register node metadata tools along with few useful tools
ApolloXRegenerating terrain
bucket (redo)
fluxionarya bucket which functions like a normal tool.
Fire Plus
LandarVarganAllows players to be lit on fire.
Area Containers
jwmhjwmhAdds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
liquid restriction
wsor4035restricts liquid use to a privilege
Fraktur (alphabet digits letters)
shaftAdds a whole set of Fraktur type metals in the form of nodes.
Scifi Nodes
D00MedAdds some nodes for building futuristic/sci-fi themed constructions
SFENCEAdd craftable palisades in many styles. Hades Revisited is supported.
Pole Scaffolding
SFENCECraftable pole scaffoldings. Support default game and Hades Revisited game.
sofarA mod that adds thunder and lightning effects.
ChimneySwiftAdds a tool that makes moving nodes containing metadata such as chests and protection blocks extremely simple.
Blockbomber Editor
MisterEMake arenas for Blockbomber
Cracked Castle
pampogokiralyNodes to help you making an old broken castle!
0siribixShort distance teleport
WuzzyDecorative cups.
NigelSymmetric building tool for MineTest.
fluxionaryplayer monoid for controlling the look and abilities of the player's hand.
BuckarooBanzaiEnhanced Programmer for Ingame Control
ExplorerTools All (Tools place item on right click)
KilarinTools place item in next inventory slot on right click
K Recyclebin
ketwarooBreaks down crafted things into original components. Mostly.. Compatible with default game and mineclonia. Works with hoppers too.
VoxelForge Beta - 1.6.0 - Pre 1
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
MantarChallenging, at times brutal, wilderness survival with simple technology.
AntumDelugeA fun alternative mode of transport.
Christmas Decor
GreenXenithChristmas-themed decor
Sylvester KruinNice, customizable subways for Advanced Trains (advtrains)
EmptyStarSearchable biome database for robust biome selection
Dwarf Fortress style caverns
FaceDeerAdds vast underground caverns in the style of Dwarf Fortress, complete with underground flora in diverse biomes.
GreenXenithWaffles. That's it.
Stairs Redo
TenPlus1Adds more stair types to Minetest.
DELTA_FORCEDecorations that can also be used as an actual greenscreen or other colorscreen.
AmazAdds a letter cutting tool with letter "signlike" nodes.
AdvTrains Crafting Compatibility Patch
MarnackEnables crafting of advtrains items in games that are not based on Minetest Game.
Multiblock Lib
Mindcool25Multiblock structure handler
Signs Lib
mt-modsAdds signs with readable text.
Realtime Elevator
shacknetispSmooth entity-based elevators used for vertical transport without teleportation
NextGen Bows
StarNinjasAdds bow and arrows.
smartshop (flux's fork)
fluxionarya smarter and easier shop
ApolloXProvides a block which provides healing and feeding
aSliceOfCakethese are some silly CrewMates plushies
kestralAscend by chat command, if possible.
APercyAdds a Ju52 airplane
shaftAdds guns, rocket launchers and grenades.
Tool Watcher
j0j0n4th4nIntroduces an item for monitoring the wield tool durability and alerting players when their equipment is close to breaking through a HUD text.
Hero Jetpack
NeuromancerJetpack that works like challenging one in H.E.R.O. game.
Factory bridges
mt-modsThis mod adds a steel bridges, railings and stairs in Minetest.
Mobs Animal
TenPlus1Adds farm animals.
BlockheadSolid cubes of food for mass storage or building.
Not So Simple Helicopter
APercyIt adds an expensive helicopter with power consumption.
Rainbow Ore
KingSmartyRainbow materials & equipment.
ForbiddenJAllows for the creation of Meseportation systems.
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
Omni Tool
ApolloX3 tools in 1
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
Just a Mountain
DeadlockAdds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position
Doctor Who Tardis
SkivlingAdds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who.
Farming Redo
TenPlus1Adds many plants and food to Minetest
Equipment Examiner
AntumDelugeA node that will examine the specs of equipment.
Dynamic Input-Held Eating
TPHEating with particles, sounds, visible ItemStacks (5.4+), and holding down input. Heavy coding customization for programmers
Street Signs
mt-modsRoad signs galore!
TenPlus1Adds bone and bonemeal giving the ability to quickly grow plants and saplings.
moreblocks and stairsplus
fluxionaryadds various blocks to the game
Stone Age Integration Pack
csirolliAdds basic stone age & survival tools and makes the start in the world harder
Knapping Mechanics
csirolliAdds knapping mechanics API inspired by Vintage story
joe7575A library for mods which need connecting tubes / pipes / cables or similar.
PB&J Pup and Nyan Cat
TenPlus1Adds PB&J Pup, Nyan Cats or MooGnu into your world
AntumDelugeEnhances default glass to make it colorable.
Node Meta Manipulation
AntumDelugeManage node meta data
AntumDelugeSlingshots that can throw inventory items as ammunition.
Protector Redo
TenPlus1Lets players craft special blocks to protect their builds or disable PVP in areas.
Hybrid DogFell whole trees at once
Cave Tools
kestralA collection of tools that can be useful for exploring caves.
worldedit terraform command
Mjokfoxa terraform command for worldedit
Tool Crafter
508linxuse any posible material craft tool in crafttable
X Bows
SaKeLAdds bow and arrows with API.
shaftAdds bow and arrows.
Hunger with HUD Bar
WuzzyThis mod adds a simple hunger mechanic (plus HUD bar) to the game. Eat food to avoid starvation, be sated to regenerate health.
Crafting Bench
FaceDeerAn auto-crafting bench
Stacked Bricks
1F616EMOBricks stacked on another type of bricks
MT Block and Asset Pack
ClassicAdamVariety of blocks and other mesh nodes.
Better Screwdriver
12Me21A more intuitive node rotation tool
GigaBytechange the player's speed x10
Teleport Potion
TenPlus1Adds craftable teleport potions (throwable) and teleport pads.
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
Bones Rework (MineClonia compat)
N FreemanBones mod reworked (works in MineClonia or MinetestGame)
jan EpiphanyGigatools for gigachads with gigaworkloads.
Player Plus Mod
TenPlus1Adds effects to player to change speeds, cause damage, knockback and more...
DSMakes lava plop every now and then
Item Frames and Pedestals
TenPlus1Adds itemframes and pedestals you can place items inside
SaKeLAdds many new biomes, items and blocks.
X Farming
SaKeLFarming with new plants, crops, trees, ice fishing, bees, candles, scarecrow, crates, composter, bonemeal, ropes, pies...
TenPlus1Adds wine barrel to ferment different foods into drinks.
Age of Mending
SumiAge of Mending: Sandbox game about building your own world and exploring a new one. Last breaking changes: a28
1F616EMOInbox for items
shaftAdds cannons, pipes and tractor beams to allow players and entities to traverse the world in new ways.
Mobs Ghost Redo
TenPlus1Adds ghosts.
isaiah658Collect and train monsters that can be used in battles.
More Trees!
mt-modsAdds a whole bunch of new types of trees, some bearing fruit or similar
Basic Materials & Quartz Compatibility
fran4codesCompatibility between Basic Materials, Quartz, and Everness.
Unified Inventory
RealBadAngelReplaces the default inventory and adds a number of features, such as a crafting guide
ROllerozxaTroll your friends and foes nicely!
TenPlus1Add invisible barrier, light and mob wall into game with new tool
Elephant Veins
jan EpiphanyReplaces small, sporadic ore pockets with sparse, gigantic ore veins.
Advtrains Japanese Tram TLR0600
AdvT. SupplementalA tram for Advtrains inspired by the Japanese TLR0600 tram.
Mobs Redo API
TenPlus1Simple and feature rich API to quickly add mobs into your world.
Simple protection
KrockFixed-grid quadratic area protection mod with graphical area "minimap"
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
Mobs Monster
TenPlus1Adds many types of monster.
ROllerozxaThrowable floppies... That's what they're used for right?
FireWorks Reimagined
DragonWranglerA fireworks api to allow you to easily add new fireworks to your server or game.
Lucky Block
TenPlus1Craft and break lucky blocks to give something good, bad or painful :)
mt-modsbridges....and auto bridges
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
Super sam
BuckarooBanzaiSuper sam adventures
mt-modsAdds pre-fabricated concrete elements.
Bone-Based Player Animation
RuiAdds animations to the players' head and right arm.
AndriiAllows to create quests with rewards which can be passed by triggering flags placed in different places
resurrection cross
GigaByteadd resurrection cross
SkyBuilder1717Adds a lot of helpful commands for your server
Power Guns
shaftA mod that adds laser guns and a force gun
Living Slimes
EmptyStarAdds living slime mobs to Minetest
Painting 3
SFENCEIn-game painting.
mt-modsTake your buildings with you on your journey.
nurd3A tiny rogue-inspired game with machiavellian sandbox elements
mt-modsa library that aims to facilitate other mods to be game agnostic by handling sounds and crafting
Classic Coaches
MarnackPassenger coaches with customizable liveries for use with the advtrains mod.
Brick Walls
philipmiAdds brick walls from different types of bricks.